This wonderful but sad short-story written by Neil Gaiman tells us about Nada, a beautiful sixteen-year-old queen who falls in love with Kai’ckul, the lord of the dream world. The girl looks for him everywhere though she knows he can never be hers, and finally when she finds him, she is punished by the sun, realizing it is true that their love is impossible.
Like in the story, people sacrifice things and do what they think is necessary to be with the ones they love. But often, they get tired of trying and feel all the things they do are not enough, realizing that impossible love not only exists in stories but also in real life. There is a moment in our lives in which we fall in love with someo
ne who, for whatever reason, cannot be ours; in spite of this, we try to reach that love; and finally, we feel frustrated and forget him/her. I know love should not be impossible but I think all that suffering makes us stronger and helps us believe in love again when the right person comes to our lives.
I think impossible loves are absolutely necessary to be stonger and wiser in the future.

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