Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The importance of symbols in "The Great Gatsby"

Hi! I want you to read what I have written up to now in my paper and write a comment so that I know if I´m going on the right track or if I should start all over again. Thanks! Anto..
Symbols are representations of reality, complex concepts or ideas. They can be objects pictures or even written and spoken words. The meanings those symbols carry are influenced by many factors, such as people’s thoughts and experiences, culture, specific historical contexts, or political, educational and religious beliefs. Some symbols are universally known since they represent the same things with the same meanings all over the world, while others, such as the ones which are present in literature, convey an author’s more personal view or interpretation of things and ideas.
Thesis Paragraph
The Great Gatsby presents a great number of symbols which characterise not only the American Society in the 1920s and the story itself, but also Fitzgerald’s own writing and beliefs. Among those symbols, three of them are recognised as the most important ones since they are very closely related to the main topics and ideas of the novel. Those are: the American Dream, Colours and the Eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg in the valley of ashes.


Coca said...

I like your paper very much. In my opinion, the introduction is right. In the thesis paragraph, the end is not very clear and I think it needs a conclusion.
Please, enter to my portfolio and correct my paper when I have it written.
I hope my suggestions would be usefull for you.

eliana said...

Hi Anto!:
First of all, I congratulate you for your blog lovely images.As regards your paper I think the introduction is very well done and I agree with Maricel about your thesis paragraph;It needs at least one sentence to sum up the idea.
This is my link to enter to my blog: eliana-fernandez.blogspot.com.Please visit my blog there are new things to read and comment about.

Janeth Massi said...

Hey Anto...
I'm eager to read the whole paper since we have chosen the same topic!
Plz show us your work (which, I guess, will be great!)


Flor said...

Hey Anto!
As Jan said...We want the paper! :-p
Surely it is going to be very interesting. I'm particularly intrigued about your concept of the American Dream, which was present in the novel but in a rather subtle way...
Post it soon! :-)